Our organization makes a difference through remarkable murals that serve as landmarks and spark dialogues on bodily integrity and rights and other pressing issues. By taking these projects “to the street,” we engage with a broad and diverse audience. In addition to street art, we also hold exhibitions, talks, and workshops. Our street art initiatives establish exceptional connections between the public, artists, and those working to effect change. Moreover, we offer educational programs focusing on rights-based concerns and promoting calls to action.

We empower girls by promoting their freedom to shape their lives, exercise their rights, make informed decisions about their bodies, enjoy improved health and make meaningful contributions to national development as economic actors driving economic growth, including the right to choose when and whom to marry, if and when to have children, and freedom from sexual violence, harassment, and exploitation using the arts as a transformational tool.

Breaking the Walls of Gender Inequality Through Public Art

On this, we ensure we use friendly strategies and programs to educate girls, young women and families on human rights using all forms of artistic activities. Like dance, Art, poem, Art exhibitions and graffiti by young women.

Girls Participated



